Episode 8 Doubt | The Feelings Lab
Published on Nov 16, 2021
In this week's episode of The Feelings Lab, we discuss the emotion of doubt with our hosts Dr. Alan Cowen, Dr. Dacher Keltner, Danielle Krettek-Cobb, and Matt Forte.
Is doubt an emotion? Indeed, it is. And it can take on many different shapes: self-doubt, intellectual questioning, simple curiosity, imposter syndrome, and more. At its most beneficial, doubt can help preserve and protect, it can inform and fuel personal growth, and it can even enlighten civilizations... but it can also cripple and destroy. Join us as we dig into this vital emotion.
In the clip below, Dr. Alan Cowen notes that doubt's purpose is to drive us to search for new explanations. Within the broader space of emotion, it borders confusion, interest, and contempt.
Dr. Alan Cowen argues that when doubt reigns, we see the most consequential progress in human civilization, including the Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution.
Later, Danielle Krettek-Cobb asks if doubt is merely the "dark side" of curiosity: the yin to doubt’s yang.
Dr. Dacher Keltner also discusses how doubt complements awe, especially in the realm of mystical experiences that defy explanation. The relationship between the two emotions fuels our search for meaning.
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